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New Accounting Sync Options

Sep 13, 2024

In the this release, new options were added to improve the integration with accounting systems. Two key settings were introduced: Sync Customer Invoice On Creation and Sync Supplier Invoice On Creation, allowing users to control when invoices sync with the accounting system, either immediately or upon sending the invoice to the customer. Additionally, a feature was added to view and manage unsynced invoices, enabling users to address sync errors efficiently.

Key Steps

  1. System Settings Update to control when an invoice is sent to accounting:
    • Navigate to system settings.
    • Go to the accounting section.
    • Locate and adjust the following options:
      • Sync Customer Invoice On Creation
      • Sync Supplier Invoice On Creation
    • Set these options to true to sync immediately or false to sync when the invoice is emailed or status changes to "sent to customer."
  2. Sync Customer Invoices and Sync Supplier Invoices (new options):
    • Access the accounting menu.
    • Select Sync Customer Invoices or Sync Supplier Invoices.
    • Review unsynced invoices.
    • Check for any sync errors due to bad data or system mismatch.
    • Select invoices to sync and click save to send them to the accounting system.
    • Address any sync errors that may occur.
  3. Handling Sync Errors:
    • If a sync error occurs, a notification will pop up.
    • Review the error details.
    • Navigate to the specific invoice causing the error.
    • Edit the invoice to resolve the issue.

Cautionary Notes

  • Ensure data accuracy before syncing invoices to avoid errors.
  • Be cautious when changing settings in the system to prevent unintended consequences.
  • Address sync errors promptly to maintain accurate accounting records.

Tips for Efficiency

  • Regularly check for unsynced invoices to keep accounting records up to date.
  • Utilize the new options to streamline the syncing process and reduce manual errors.
  • Communicate any issues or changes in accounting integration procedures with the team for seamless collaboration.

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